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Occupational Asthma Caused by Powder Paint in the Automotive Industry

Tiotiu A1,2,3, Thaon I4, Poussel M2,5, Penven E4

1Department of Pulmonology, University Hospital of Nancy, Nancy, France
2Development, Adaptation and Disadvantage. Cardiorespiratory regulations and motor control (EA 3450 DevAH), University of Lorraine, Nancy, France
3National Heart and Lung Institute, Airway Disease Section, Imperial College London, London, UK
4Occupational Diseases Department, University Hospital of Nancy, Nancy, France
5Department of Pulmonary Function Testing and Exercise Physiology, University Hospital of Nancy, Nancy, France

J Investig Allergol Clin Immunol 2019; Vol 29(4) : 316-318
doi: 10.18176/jiaci.0394

Key words: Occupational asthma, Industry, Aluminum hydroxide