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Overlap Between DRESS Syndrome and Exanthema Induced by Sulfadiazine in a Patient Treated With Sulfamethoxazole: Utility of the Lymphocyte Transformation Test for Identification of the Culprit Drug

Monge-Ortega OP1, Cabañas R2,3, Fiandor A2,3, Domínguez-Ortega J3,4, González-Muñoz M5, Quirce S3,4, Lluch-Bernal M3, Bellón T2,6

1Department of Allergy, Hospital San Juan de Dios, San José, Costa Rica
2Consortium PielenRED
3Department of Allergy, Hospital La Paz Institute for Health Research (IdiPAZ), Madrid, Spain
4CIBER of Respiratory Diseases, CIBERES, Madrid, Spain
5Department of Immunology, Hospital La Paz, Madrid, Spain
6Research Unit, Hospital La Paz Institute for Health Research (IdiPAZ), Madrid, Spain

J Investig Allergol Clin Immunol 2018; Vol 28(2) : 132-134
doi: 10.18176/jiaci.0220

Key words: Allergy, Delayed hypersensitivity, Lymphocyte transformation test, Sulfadiazine